The End was invited to create a product sizzle to highlight and reveal Motorola’s
new MotoG Power, the longest lasting battery in the franchise.
To highlight the device's long lasting battery, we were tasked by Motorola to create an adventure like saga. We get to see our characters enjoy the benefits of their MotoG throughout a three day period as they are constantly travelling and on the go.
Because of budget and covid restrictions, the film was created with stock footage alone. A long and thorough research was done so that we could give the viewers the impression that they are following the same person's journey. Later we added our device to the locations our main hero was in through the use of CGI and realistic renders.
Overall, it was exciting and refreshing to work with live footage and a more character driven story. Even though we highlight our device's main selling points, the idea was to have them be presented in a way where the benefits trump the technology.


Credits / MotoG Power(Tonga)
Title: MotoG Power(Tonga)
Client: Motorola
Title: MotoG Power(Tonga)
Client: Motorola
Production Company: The End
Direction: Rodrigo Gusmão, Vinicius Lavor
Art Direction: Mau Borba, Vinicius Lavor
Design: Mau Borba, Vinicius Lavor
Animation: Vinicius Lavor, Eduardo Lunkes
LookDev: César barbosa
Render: Eduardo Lunkes, Rodrigo Gusmão, Vinicius Lavor
Compositing: Eduardo Lunkes, Rodrigo Gusmão e Vinicius Lavor
Motion 2D: Tamires Campos
Storyboard: Guilherme Aranega
Color Correction: Maisa Joanni
Editing: Leon Mosditchian
Assistent Editor: Fernanda Tsukada
Assistent and Conform: Samira França e Bre Lelis
Coordenation: Paulo Conceição
Executive producers: Helena Jardim, Rafael Rosi e Duda Izique
Art Direction: Mau Borba, Vinicius Lavor
Design: Mau Borba, Vinicius Lavor
Animation: Vinicius Lavor, Eduardo Lunkes
LookDev: César barbosa
Render: Eduardo Lunkes, Rodrigo Gusmão, Vinicius Lavor
Compositing: Eduardo Lunkes, Rodrigo Gusmão e Vinicius Lavor
Motion 2D: Tamires Campos
Storyboard: Guilherme Aranega
Color Correction: Maisa Joanni
Editing: Leon Mosditchian
Assistent Editor: Fernanda Tsukada
Assistent and Conform: Samira França e Bre Lelis
Coordenation: Paulo Conceição
Executive producers: Helena Jardim, Rafael Rosi e Duda Izique